
©MAGMAA CK 2024-04-26 09:51 Welcome: AllbodySvenska
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to the couch-experts sport betting site.
Bet and gain or take the pain.

To bet you do as follows:
Choose a name for an alias and register.
You get points on positions 1-3. Correct bet on first place gain five points, second place will give four points and third place will give three points. All three positions right will give you an additional 3 bonus points. Two positions right will give you 2 bonus points.

Further knowledge or instructions should not be necessary, just try the game...
If get some problems please have a look at FAQ. Do also feel free to contact us

NEW rule 2023 - Only bet on total six riders per competition. Once selected six only position is possibly to change afterwards.
©MAGMAA CK 2024-04-26 09:51 Welcome: AllbodySvenska
First page|Register|Contact Us|Comments|FAQ
Login|Results: All Alias| | |Interviews
Formula 1|


to the couch-experts sport betting site.
Bet and gain or take the pain.

To bet you do as follows:
Choose a name for an alias and register.
You get points on positions 1-3. Correct bet on first place gain five points, second place will give four points and third place will give three points. All three positions right will give you an additional 3 bonus points. Two positions right will give you 2 bonus points.

Further knowledge or instructions should not be necessary, just try the game...
If get some problems please have a look at FAQ. Do also feel free to contact us

NEW rule 2023 - Only bet on total six riders per competition. Once selected six only position is possibly to change afterwards.